Monday, 5 September 2011

Backhander gets a slap

First worker charged under Bribery Act

Court Clerk faces court case over alleged bung

Court clerk Munir Patel is the first person to be charged under the Bribery Act for allegedly taking a kickback at work to waive a traffic penalty for a court defendant.

Patel is accused of accepting a £500 bribe while he was working at Redbridge Magistrates' Court in Ilford to leave a traffic penalty off a legal database.

He faces charges under the new act - which came into force on 1 July - while further charges against him include misconduct in a public office and perverting the course of justice.

Under the Bribery Act it is illegal to offer or receive bribes, but the rules include a new offence of failing to prevent bribery, which specifically affects employers. Companies will have to show they had adequate procedures in place to prevent bribery; if they do not, they could be liable to prosecution if an employee gives or receives a bribe.

If you do not have an Anti Corruption Policy, or would like advice on how to protect your business, then call us on 0141 880 9025